Track habits
There are three main ways to track a habit.
Habits can be tracked either on the daily view, the monthly view, or when clicking on each specific habit.
Moment states
A habit tracked at a specific moment can be marked as either not done, done, or skipped. A note can also be added to the moment.
Daily view
The daily view displays every habit that is planned for the selected day.
By holding the mouse over the habits on the left side nav, you can drag them onto the selected day.
Monthly view
The monthly page displays a monthly overview of all the active habits for that month. You can click on a specific tile to mark it as done, planned, or skipped.
Habit details view
Each specific habit has its own view. Here is a calendar where you can click on a specific date to mark it as done, planned, or skipped.
On this page, when navigating in the upper right menu, clicking on view entries leads to all the entries for the selected habit, here you can also edit the entries and add new ones.